Sunday 7 June 2015

Travel broadens the mind...

     Travel broadens the mind...a well worn cliche it may be, but like most cliches there's more than a nugget of truth to it. Travelling the world exposes you to different cultures and allows you to experience new things and accumulate fresh ideas. It can also help you grow as a person and increase your confidence, as you're bound to face challenges along the way that need to be overcome. Taking some time out to travel the world is also the perfect opportunity to reflect on your life and think about what you want your future to hold.

World Walkabout Ticket

People travel the world for all sorts of reasons but the one thing they tend to have in common is a desire to experience something different from their everyday lives. There are some incredible cultural and spiritual experiences out there and a round the world ticket is a great way to combine some of them. One of the most popular round the world tickets is the World Walkabout ticket, a great value ticket allowing you to put together some fascinating itineraries using flights on British Airways, Qantas, Cathay Pacific and Air Pacific.

If you're in search of a life changing experience, this World Walkabout itinerary could be just the ticket!

London to Delhi (British Airways)

Start your trip with a direct flight from Heathrow to Delhi. Arriving in India for the first time is a complete culture shock so it's the perfect place to begin your adventure. It's chaotic, crowded and noisy but once you become accustomed to it, strangely addictive. Delhi is home to countless holy sites, including the Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India. Close by is Agra, where you'll find what is quite possibly the most beautiful building in the world, the Taj Mahal. For a uniquely spiritual experience, travel to the holy city of Varanasi, the oldest living city in the world. Here you can witness Hindu pilgrims carrying out their devotions in the sacred River Ganges.

Delhi to Bangkok (separate flight)

From India, fly to Bangkok, gateway to the magic and mystery of Indo China. In northern Thailand you'll discover a land of mountain temples and ancient hill tribes. This is the spiritual and cultural heartland of Thailand; the historical walled city of Chiang Mai is home to an incredible 300 temples! It's the perfect environment in which to unwind and truly relax, far from the stresses and pressures of the modern world. In neighbouring Cambodia, near the city of Siem Riep, you'll find the incredible 12th Century temple complex of Angkor Wat.

Bangkok to Auckland (Qantas via Sydney)

Return to Bangkok and travel overnight to Auckland. South of Auckland is our next stop, Rotorua, a geological phenomenon of boiling mud pools and hot springs. It's also the main centre of Maori Culture in New Zealand, making it the ideal place to learn more about these fascinating people.

Auckland to Santiago (Qantas)

Fly across the Pacific to Santiago, capital city of Chile and steeped in history. Travel north to Peru and the town of Cusco, high up in the Andes. This is the gateway to the cultural experience of a lifetime, the ancient Inca Trail which leads you to the astonishing Macchu Picchu. This 15th Century Inca site is as fascinating as it is beautiful. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was recently voted as one of the Seven 'New' Wonders of the World.

Lima to London (British Airways)

The last flight of your World Walkabout ticket is back to the UK via Madrid, hopefully in possession of a slightly broader mind than when you left.Article Source:  Nevil writes on a number of subjects including world walkabout ticketrs.

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