Wednesday 27 May 2015


Invite Our 26 ANYSAS -old Cache Farm - We placed through puddles hours in cars in an EU Mumbai Area where we try to BUILD a Community -minded person.everyone can learn about , share, take care of them himself and about others mother Earth. Things here are our introduirLa GentJT Lifestyle SA and that the EU organic Connex of knives Corps soul together in a happy union .

I always thought that my life was a series of bitter amusement.

I always thought that my life was a series of bitter amusement.
When I once was, I knew that the fall in the near future, or vice versa. I use a secret, and do not even know!
Thus, although it helped raise me know when I was down, hurt negative events are always waiting for when things are going well! That was until I saw the movie The Secret and it changed my life!
I grew up middle class, my father taught me, you have to work hard for the money when it comes easily. All major say in the film wrong thinking. This, I learned that my work ethic that most of my success, but I always look forward to come in the fall.
Then one day, while a negative down-time in my life, in the face of adversity after the adoption of step with the company in the country and risk everything to my wife, I was on the brink of dismissal.
Fortunately for me, my company decided that the day of the film Secret, to show the entire company! The film changed my life. I never thought I control my bitter, I just always thought it would happen, whether I like it or not!
After watching the film, I was the top sales person in my company's sales of 1,000, almost overnight! It completely changed my approach! My positive attitude leads to customers who usually snatch me will tell me quickly turn into customers, who like to work with me and told me, yes, they want to work with me! My attitude production and noticed the general director of my company, which even gave me a voicemail about how great he thought I was.
This from a company that my fire! So needless to say, secretly it changed me.
The following week, my wife, who is very smart, but had a difficult time getting his first job at the college after a year, watched the whole secret.
Three days later, it was a new career in the top company for its work in their field, and today it is in control.
Fast forward five years:
My wife and I live in a $ 700,000 house in an exclusive neighborhood. We are in the top 2% of the country combined income and we could not be happier! Please be aware that we have to give a lot of money for charity and donations of our time, it is important!
I had life by Secret, and I want to thank you for the movie, so I can my life I had to live!

Mughal Treasure

Alwar Fort , about 150 km away from DelhiAlwar district of Rajasthan . According to local folklore , Mughal emperor Jehangir took refuge here when he was in exile , and he hid his treasure here in the race.

It is believed that not all the treasure recovered, and even more are peidetudfort .

And ennetõusuMughal Empire and the Kingdom of olijõukas Alwar, among other things, that the treasure is believed to be one of the emerald cut drink koosnestassi

Thursday 14 May 2015

 Sonbhandar Caves,

Sonbhandar Caves ar 2 rather strange cave chambers in Rajgir, Bihar that ar hollow out of one huge rock.

It is calculable up to now back to a minimum of third – fourth century AD by the inscriptions within the western cave.

The western chambers ar believed to own been the guard area and therefore the entree is meant to guide to King Bimbisara’s Treasury.

Inscriptions within the Sankhlipi script, carved  into wall of the western cave and then way undeciphered, ar believed to relinquish the clue to open the entree.

The treasure, in step with traditional knowledge, remains intact.

The mark on the supposed entree wherever a people tried to willnon ball (without success) their manner through can still is seen.
  Krishna river treasure

Some of the simplest diamonds of the planet were mined  in Kollur on the banks of avatar stream within
 the gift day avatar and Guntur districts that shaped a part of the Golconda Kingdom.

The Kohinoor diamond was mined  from these mines.

Indian treasures

India was the richest country of the planet before British and different colonialists invaded this nation. India wont to be known as. (golden bird).

The British rulers, with the exception of foreign invaders scarf the countrys treasurers,as well as the illustrious Kohinoor diamond and Taught-e-Taus (Golden Peacock Throne). 

Here could be a list of treasures of India  that square measure nevertheless to be discovered, many of the tales square measure same to be apocryphal:

Tuesday 12 May 2015

India has invariably had one thing of a multiple personality. On one aspect is north Asian nation, with its spire-topped shikhara temples, colonial customs and abundance of British and Mughal monuments. On the opposite is that the Dravidian south, wherever the culture, customs and cuisines of colonial powers had solely a passing influence on the native approach of life. The north-south divide continues to be politically charged – the Dravidians of the south see themselves because the original Indians, with the Indo-Aryans of the north as new arrivals, however the facility and cash of Asian nation is firmly controlled from the north.

Travelling from north to south nowadays, you\'ll be able to still see clear variations. individuals have darker complexions and speak the lilting, musical languages of the south. look signs use curling Tamil, South Dravidian or Telugu script in situ of showing neatness linear Sanskrit. girls wear saris rather than shalwar tunic (flowing shirts and pants pants) and men sport dhotis and lungis (local variations on the sarong) rather than trousers. Even the menus area unit completely different – vegetables displace meat from curry sauces, and coconut milk and tamarind penetrate as essential cookery ingredients. Then there area unit those distinctive South Indian temples, with their rainbow-coloured, deity-covered towers making a novel emblem for the sticky south.

Ask AN outsider regarding India’s most far-famed monuments, and few would name something south of the Taj Mahal – a significant oversight once you take into account the lavish design of South India! To redress the balance, here is our decide of South India’s most spectacular temples.

tips for women travellers

Some ladies traveler, and particularly solo ladies traveler, ar reassessing their travel plans in India following the fatal rape of a neighborhood urban center lady, and also the gang rape of a Swiss traveler. These much-publicised urban center cases have sparked protests and detached discussion regarding violence against ladies in India and new legislation has after been passed.

Practical tips

  • When travelling by overnight train, choose an upper berth to avoid prospective gropers and have more privacy. (Many travellers report better luck with more expensive train seats, which have fewer passengers per car.)
  • Avoid eye contact and chit-chat with unknown men: both can be misinterpreted.
  • Ride in women’s cars on trains, where they exist, and try to book seats near the front of long-distance buses. Sit next to other women when possible.

Indian Society, Culture and Language


India’s society is organized by a hierarchal class structure of 4 tiers: clergymen (Brahmins), warriors (kshatriyas), creators of wealth (vaishyas) and laborers and peasants (shudras).  A fifth cluster has long been excluded from the formal class structure for playacting dirty jobs that antecedently branded them as “untouchables.”

Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi was a number one champion of the poor and untouchables, whom he renamed Ishmael (“children of god”) and conjointly fade the term dalits (“the oppressed”). whereas economic development has bit by bit broken away at the rigidity of India’s structure, the category system still plays a crucial role in several areas of civil society and everyday life in India from politics to wedding.

India could be a extremely ethnically and lingually numerous country.  As of 2001, twenty nine languages were spoken by over a million individuals in India, and over 122 languages were spoken by a minimum of ten,000 people.  India’s primary and secondary official languages Hindi and English, severally.

Population of India (2015 and historical)

Population of India (2015 and historical) = 2015 1,282,390,303

Total area: 1.269 million sq. miles (3.287 million sq. km) 

Capital city: New Delhi

Largest cities (by population, from most to fewest people): Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata (Calcutta), Chennai (Madras), Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Jaipur

  Languages and ethnic groups of India: Hindi (primary official language), English (secondary official language), Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Tamil, Nepali, other

  Currency: Indian rupee

Monday 11 May 2015


Travel To India|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} called merely India, it's one in every of the foremost vital business enterprise destinations in Asian country with myriad vary of tourer attractions and everlasting scenic beauty. Set sort of a gem on the map of Asian country, it's a vivacious diamond that changes its colours with the seasons to seasons - continually lavishly lovely - continually ready to steal the hearts of holiday makers. impressive scenic beauty, natural covering mountain peaks, fruit laden orchards, inexperienced carpeted attractive meadows, lovely hills, chatty waterfalls, pretty lakes, scenic trekking trails, spirited valleys, attractive gardens, picturesque locations, postcard-perfect landscapes, etc all ar in Asian country to make a unforgettable expertise. Rightly, Asian country is termed because the "Paradise on the Earth".