Tuesday 12 May 2015

India has invariably had one thing of a multiple personality. On one aspect is north Asian nation, with its spire-topped shikhara temples, colonial customs and abundance of British and Mughal monuments. On the opposite is that the Dravidian south, wherever the culture, customs and cuisines of colonial powers had solely a passing influence on the native approach of life. The north-south divide continues to be politically charged – the Dravidians of the south see themselves because the original Indians, with the Indo-Aryans of the north as new arrivals, however the facility and cash of Asian nation is firmly controlled from the north.

Travelling from north to south nowadays, you\'ll be able to still see clear variations. individuals have darker complexions and speak the lilting, musical languages of the south. look signs use curling Tamil, South Dravidian or Telugu script in situ of showing neatness linear Sanskrit. girls wear saris rather than shalwar tunic (flowing shirts and pants pants) and men sport dhotis and lungis (local variations on the sarong) rather than trousers. Even the menus area unit completely different – vegetables displace meat from curry sauces, and coconut milk and tamarind penetrate as essential cookery ingredients. Then there area unit those distinctive South Indian temples, with their rainbow-coloured, deity-covered towers making a novel emblem for the sticky south.

Ask AN outsider regarding India’s most far-famed monuments, and few would name something south of the Taj Mahal – a significant oversight once you take into account the lavish design of South India! To redress the balance, here is our decide of South India’s most spectacular temples.

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