Wednesday 27 May 2015

I always thought that my life was a series of bitter amusement.

I always thought that my life was a series of bitter amusement.
When I once was, I knew that the fall in the near future, or vice versa. I use a secret, and do not even know!
Thus, although it helped raise me know when I was down, hurt negative events are always waiting for when things are going well! That was until I saw the movie The Secret and it changed my life!
I grew up middle class, my father taught me, you have to work hard for the money when it comes easily. All major say in the film wrong thinking. This, I learned that my work ethic that most of my success, but I always look forward to come in the fall.
Then one day, while a negative down-time in my life, in the face of adversity after the adoption of step with the company in the country and risk everything to my wife, I was on the brink of dismissal.
Fortunately for me, my company decided that the day of the film Secret, to show the entire company! The film changed my life. I never thought I control my bitter, I just always thought it would happen, whether I like it or not!
After watching the film, I was the top sales person in my company's sales of 1,000, almost overnight! It completely changed my approach! My positive attitude leads to customers who usually snatch me will tell me quickly turn into customers, who like to work with me and told me, yes, they want to work with me! My attitude production and noticed the general director of my company, which even gave me a voicemail about how great he thought I was.
This from a company that my fire! So needless to say, secretly it changed me.
The following week, my wife, who is very smart, but had a difficult time getting his first job at the college after a year, watched the whole secret.
Three days later, it was a new career in the top company for its work in their field, and today it is in control.
Fast forward five years:
My wife and I live in a $ 700,000 house in an exclusive neighborhood. We are in the top 2% of the country combined income and we could not be happier! Please be aware that we have to give a lot of money for charity and donations of our time, it is important!
I had life by Secret, and I want to thank you for the movie, so I can my life I had to live!

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