Tuesday 12 May 2015

tips for women travellers

Some ladies traveler, and particularly solo ladies traveler, ar reassessing their travel plans in India following the fatal rape of a neighborhood urban center lady, and also the gang rape of a Swiss traveler. These much-publicised urban center cases have sparked protests and detached discussion regarding violence against ladies in India and new legislation has after been passed.

Practical tips

  • When travelling by overnight train, choose an upper berth to avoid prospective gropers and have more privacy. (Many travellers report better luck with more expensive train seats, which have fewer passengers per car.)
  • Avoid eye contact and chit-chat with unknown men: both can be misinterpreted.
  • Ride in women’s cars on trains, where they exist, and try to book seats near the front of long-distance buses. Sit next to other women when possible.

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